Thursday 13 April 2017


Running around London yesterday in a skirt that I loved but that just didn't resonate with my style got me thinking - what do I want my style to say about me? (I felt so out of sorts, that I had my friend strategically crop the skirt out of the photo!) 

Some people think personal style is frivolous, something reserved for the more superficial in our society. However, personal style is important for all of us. The city slicker who wears well tailored TM Lewin suits, the artist who dons colourful mismatched ensembles, the fashionista who swears by her Vetements DHL T-shirt and Burberry leather trousers (that sounds like a nice outfit doesn't it?) - They all have personal style in common. 

Personal style is a lot more than being vain; it's what you tell the world as soon as you step out of your front door - your personal brand. It also has a lot to do with how you carry yourself - putting on that tailored suit or those mismatched ensembles lets the world, and more importantly you, know that you are ready for business - whatever that business may be. 

Although it made a cute outfit, putting on that skirt yesterday didn't make me feel like me (feeling like an imposter around Shoreditch also had a similar effect). So what do I want my style to say about me? Hi, I'm Martha. I like my skin glowing, make up understated and style nonchalant, effortlessly chic and slightly androgynous but always feminine to be exact. 

What do you want your style to say about you?

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Martha xo

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